It’s like almost Summer and stuff and although I’m not going to make one of those McNasty cakes with blueberries and strawberries and whip cream making the American flag I will be serving up some Strawberry Shortcake because it doesn’t taste gross and stuff.
Yes, all intended offense to aforementioned patriotic picnic treat (shudder).
Yes, all intended offense to aforementioned patriotic picnic treat (shudder).
“Should I eat it? Should I use it to clean my dishes?” angel food cake is unacceptable. I like to use Fisher Fair Scone Mix. It’s just add water and puts shame to that Bisquik in your cupboard that you’re thinking about using.
Grab about 5 cups of Strawberries and cut their tops off. Now you can either throw them in a food processor or just chop them up really small and add ¾ cups sugar, two tablespoons of lemon juice and a pinch of salt. Just mix that stuff up and your topping is ready.
Don’t forget the Cool Whip!! Split that scone in two and fill it up with strawberries and a huge dollop of Cool Whip and it won’t matter how much BBQ you just ate. You’re going for seconds... Well, unless you're making this as a stand alone desert for a lady that you're trying to impress. In that case she might just grab thirds and then fourths and then start talking about whether to send your kids to public or pirvate school...You've been warned.