Another rainy day in Seattle provides opportunities to accomplish and reflect upon the most important dwelling called home. Cleaning and organizing and stuff should definitely happen and projects that you’ve been putting off can be put off can be put to rest.
I made a trip to IKEA to add cabinet doors to the kitchen island I purchased last fall. The island was originally priced, including the base cabinets and cabinet doors, around $950. Due to the discontinuation of the behemoth piece of kitchen furniture I’ve built the entire piece including the addition of cabinet doors for around $250. I acquired the knobs from RE STORE in Ballard at a price of free fifty because all I had were large bills (ballin’!!) and they were only $2.50.
Being that it is springtime I spent a few minutes getting some starts going for the garden that will hopefully happen. I have two varieties of tomatoes, sugar snap peas and cucumbers going right now. The tomatoes are just too delicious homegrown to not have and the cucumber and sugar snap peas are seriously easy.
I’ve had a couple of posters that I’ve been meaning to get framed at Annie’s in Ballard but you know, it costs like $60 bucks and who has the time!?! Well, I do. I mean, I have the time and stuff. Maybe I’ll just get one framed up for now and wait a couple of weeks to do the next.
I along with everybody else love Bon Iver and his album never gets old. I saw him play the first time he toured the US at Nectar in Fremont which was truly amazing. The second time I saw him play was to a sold out crowd at Neumos on Capitol Hill and that show rivals Tallest Man on Earth for the most obnoxious show I’ve attended. I just can’t decide if I despise front row hippie dancers or bros with their girlfriend on their shoulder screaming the lyrics more…
This American Life? Enough said. I think it’s better than Radio Lab.
Finally,my Glassy Baby. You might think to yourself, “It’s just a votive.” On this one you are right and wrong. They’re handmade at a studio around Greenlake here in Seattle and create colors while lit that completely warrant their $40 price tag.
My girlfriend Jennae bought this one for me for my birthday. It’s called “wet dog” but should probably just be called “Howard” which is the name of our future Bernese Mt Dog.
The day is getting a little late and I still have plenty to do. Return my studded tires to storage, grab my beer making equipment, get a workout in and hopefully stop by the brewing supply store and pick up some ingredients to make up a batch of IPA.
After all of that it’s off to Hey Marseille practice. We’re going over the songs that we’re recording at Avast this weekend and will be enjoying an 8 pizza dinner pre-practice at the Anderson’s Columbia City house (Chartwell). Maybe Nick will be mixing up some delicious beverages at their in-house WWII themed bar called “Churchill”? We’ll just have to wait and see I guess.
Carlos and Donde Esta.
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